LV: 26
HP: 0
DMG: 0
SPD: 0

Basic Stats


Cunning (Median)
DNA Source
This creature cannot be placed in sanctuaries.

Cunning Strike
- Target: Self. Cleanse Damage Over Time.Target: Lowest HP. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Reduce Crit Chance By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Remove Increased Crit Chance. Remove Increased Damage. Attack 1X (1600).

Alert Nullification
- Secure:
- Priority.
- Target: All Opponents. Nullify All Positive Effects. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 2.
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2400))
- Priority.
- Target: All Opponents. Nullify All Positive Effects. Reduce Damage By 75.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 2.

Cunning Rampage
- Target: Self. Cleanse Damage Over Time.Target: Highest Damage. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Reduce Crit Chance By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Remove Increased Crit Chance. Remove Increased Damage. Attack 2X (3200).
- Delay: 1. Cooldown: 1.

Super Distraction
- Priority.
- Target: Highest Damage. Remove Dodge.Target: All Opponents. Bypass Absorb. Attack 1.5X (2400).Target: Highest Damage. Damage Over Time 25.0% of target's max HP for 2 turn(s). Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: All Opponents. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 3.

Alert Counter Distraction
- Secure:
- Target: Attacker. Reduce Damage By 10.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2400))
- Target: Attacker. Reduce Damage By 15.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).

Swap In Distraction
- Target: Highest Damage. Reduce Damage By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: Self. Unable To Swap for 2 turn(s).
Rarity | Apex |
Class | Cunning |
Size | Small |
Release Version | v2.7 |
Animation Set | Theropod (Small) |
Refrenantem translates to 'rush' in Latin, which holds 2 meanings. The first is a nod to its wetland habitat, where it can be found snaking through bulrushes. The second heeds warning: this creature's attacks are explosive, and in the time it takes its prey to realize danger the battle will already be lost.
Evolution Cost
For Leveling Up: 720,000
Refrenantem: 700