LV: 26
HP: 0
DMG: 0
SPD: 0

Basic Stats


Cunning Fierce (Median)
DNA Source
- This creature does not spawn in the wild. Keep an eye on events.
This creature cannot be placed in sanctuaries.

Group Fierce Strike
- Target: Self. Cleanse Vulnerable.Target: All Opponents. Break Shields. Remove Taunt. Bypass Absorb. Bypass Armor. Attack 1X (1900).

Dominant Pounce
- Target: Highest Damage. Bypass Dodge. Attack 2X (3800). Reduce Damage By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Reduce Crit Chance By 100.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Cooldown: 1.

Magna Impact
- Target: Most Positive Effects. Nullify All Positive Effects. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s).Target: Self. Increase Crit Chance By 100.0% for this turn.Target: Most Positive Effects. Bypass Armor. Attack 1.5X (2850).
- Cooldown: 2.

Flock Of One
- Secure:
- Priority.
- Target: Self. Cleanse All Negative Effects.Target: All Opponents. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Break Shields. Remove Increased Damage. Remove Increased Crit Chance. Bypass Absorb. Bypass Armor. Rend 60.0% of target's max HP. Impose Vulnerability By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 1 attack(s).
- Delay: 1. Cooldown: 1.
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2100))
- Priority.
- Target: Self. Cleanse Reduced Damage. Heal 1X (1900). Cleanse All Negative Effects.Target: All Opponents. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Break Shields. Remove Increased Damage. Remove Increased Crit Chance. Bypass Absorb. Bypass Armor. Rend 40.0% of target's max HP.
- Cooldown: 2.

Swap In Cunning Impact
- Target: Self. Cleanse Damage Over Time.Target: Highest Damage. Reduce Damage By 50.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Reduce Crit Chance By 100.0% for 1 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Remove Increased Crit Chance. Remove Increased Damage. Attack 1.5X (2850).Target: Self. Unable To Swap for 2 turn(s).

Invigorating Alert
- Secure:
- Target: Self. 75.0% chance to Dodge By 66.7% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Crit Chance By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Increase Damage By 50.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s).
- Threatened: (HP 50% or less (2100))
- Target: Self. 100.0% chance to Dodge By 67.0% for 2 turn(s), 2 attack(s). Increase Crit Chance By 100.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Increase Damage By 25.0% for 2 turn(s), 4 attack(s). Cleanse Reduced Damage. Heal 1X (1900).
Rarity | Apex |
Class | Cunning Fierce |
Size | Small |
Release Version | v3.5 |
Animation Set | Dromaeosaurid |
Dominance displays among Magnaraptor are among the most complex ever observed by specialists. This highly intelligent superhybrid will engage in threat dances for hours against opponents, communicating information not yet understood by science.
- Has Special Active Ability
- Has Special Passive Ability
- Has Swap In Ability
- Has On Escape Ability
- Has Alert Ability
- Damaging Priority
- Target All Opponents
- Group Attack
- Rend
- Group Rend
- Heal
- Bypass Armor
- Group Bypass Armor
- Bypass Dodge
- Bypass Absorb
- Group Bypass Alert
- Dodge
- Increase Damage
- Increase Crit Chance
- Reduce Damage
- Group Reduce Damage
- Reduce Crit Chance
- Impose Vulnerability
- Group Impose Vulnerability
Evolution Cost
For Leveling Up: 720,000
Magnaraptor: 700
For Fusing: 64,000
Magnapyritor: 1,600
For Fusing: 73,000
Dimetrodon: 36,500
Pyrritator: 3,650
For Fusing: 33,200
Pyroraptor: 8,300
Irritator: 33,200
Allodrigues: 1,600
For Fusing: 73,000
Rodrigues Solitaire: 36,500
Alloraptor: 3,650
For Fusing: 33,200
Delta: 33,200
Allosaurus Gen2: 8,300
* Assuming an average of 22 DNA per fuse, and all ingredients are ready to fuse.